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Servo Motor Precision Injection Molding Machine

The servo motor precision injection molding machine adopts servo energy-saving controlling, through proportional control of pressure flow achieve rapid multi-level pressure, speed switching. The system configuration is reasonable, stable and reliable, easy to operate, easy to maintain and other characteristics.

Hydraulic System of servo motor precision injection molding machine

-The double proportional compound value control system pressure and flow, high sensitivity and stability
-Adopt the imported pump, low noise, long lifetime, stable performance
-The optional world-class servo hydraulic system, lower noise, energy-saving
-The precise feedback control of servo system to the pressure and flow, with higher sensitivity and more accurate repeatability precision
-High performance hydraulic valve, less failure, fast switch, convenient maintenance
-Low pressure mould protect system, which is more suitable for the precision mould
-Greese and lubricating oil in dependent lubrication system can lubricate everywhere in the best situation

Hydraulic Unit of servo motor precision injection molding machine

Valve's manufacture use Taiwan technology; Hydraulic circuit's design meet international security standard; Automatic read the oil temperature; Non-welding tubing, reach long reliability and convenient service; Apply internationally known hydraulic components.

Injection preplastication seat with oil copper sleeve

The preplastication seat reciprocates once in every injection motion. Normal non-automatic lubrication in injection unit can't offer lubrication support to this important motion. Thus, we use oil copper sleeve in servo motor precision injection molding machine to make sure that injection reciprocates well. Even without lubricating oil support, it can also slide excellently. Considering cost, however, some materials without oil always cause harmful effect to injection accuracy after a period of time.

Servo Motor Injection Molding Equipment

  • Provides used injection molding machines, the complete line of Toyo, screws and barrels, auxiliaries, minimolders, servo, extraction, and pneumatic robots.
  • Plastic injection molding including variety of panels and cabinets for electronic equipment. Several worldwide locations.
  • Mold and product development, mold design, mold making, and in-house injection molding. Based in Ontario.
  • Servo Motor Driven Injection Molding Equipment

  • Provides used injection molding machines, the complete line of Toyo, screws and barrels, auxiliaries, minimolders, servo, extraction, and pneumatic robots.
  • Plastic injection molding including variety of panels and cabinets for electronic equipment. Several worldwide locations.
  • Mold and product development, mold design, mold making, and in-house injection molding. Based in Ontario.
  • Servo Motor Plastic Injection Molding Machine

  • Plastic injection molding, manufacturing and machine shop.Located in Valdosta, Ga.
  • Plastic injection modular molded and machined thermoplastics for corrosive and ultrapure liquids.
  • Custom injection modular molder with molding machines from 60 to 750 ton.
  • Automatic Servo Motor Injection Molding Equipment

  • Manufactures automatic rubber and silicon injection molding machinery.
  • Manufacturer of rubber injection molding machine, and automatic vacuum rail top opening hot press molding machine.
  • Provides used injection molding machines, the complete line of Toyo, screws and barrels, auxiliaries, minimolders, servo, extraction, and pneumatic robots.
  • Servo Motor Precision Injection Molding Machine